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Under PMSSY Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India

Vacancy Notifications

Publish Date Title Download/Details Last Date
14.02.2025 Recruitment of faculty posts on regular basisAvatar 1. Corrigendum AvatarAvatar
2. Detailed Advt Avatar
3. Newspaper Advertisement Avatar
4. Annexure-1 Avatar
5. Annexure-2 Avatar
Submission of Online application
STARTS on : 24.02.2025
Submission of Online application
CLOSES on : 25.03.2025
Hard copy of application : On or before 01.04.2025 (Tuesday) by 04:30 PM)
12.02.2025 Advertisement for recruitment to the post of Senior Residents (Non-Academic) in various Departments of AIIMS Madurai, Under Govt. of India Residency Scheme in AIIMS Madurai 1. Detailed Advt AvatarAvatar
2. Application Avatar
5.00 pm
17.12.2024 Advertisement for Non-Faculty Posts (Medical Superintendent, SAO, ACE, PA, Executive Assistant) on Deputation Basis at AIIMS Madurai 1. Detailed Advt Avatar
2. Application Avatar
3. Extention Letter AvatarAvatar
5.00 pm
02.12.2024 Advertisement for the post of Junior Resident (Non Academic) at AIIMS Madurai
Advt. No : AIIMS/Madurai/Estt./1-16/Recruitment-JR/2024-25, dated : 02.12.2024
1. Detailed Advt Avatar
2. Application Avatar
3. Google Form Avatar
4. Tentative date Avatar
5. Provisionally Eligible Avatar
6. Rejected applications Avatar
7. Eligible / Provisionally Eligible for written examAvatar
8. Results
i. Selected CandidatesAvatar
ii. Waitlisted CandidatesAvatar
5.00 pm
27.11.2024 Advertisement for Recruitment to the posts of Project Research Scientist I (Non-Medical) on a Contract basis for an ICMR-funded Project: Strategies for Enhanced Population Engagement and Health Care Seeking for Prevention and Control of Hypertension and Diabetes in India: The STEPS- INDIA Multi-Centre Study. 1. Detailed Advt Avatar
2. Google Form Avatar
3. Result Avatar
5.00 pm
26.10.2024 Advertisement for Recruitment to the posts of Project Technical Support III (on a Contract basis) for an ICMR-funded Project: Strategies for Enhanced Population Engagement and Health Care Seeking for Prevention and Control of Hypertension and Diabetes in India: The STEPS- INDIA Multi-Centre Study. 1. Detailed Advt Avatar
2. Google Form Avatar
3. Result Avatar
5.00 pm
17.10.2024 Advertisement for the post of Executive Engineer (Civil) in AIIMS Madurai on DEPUTATION basis. 1. Detailed Advt Avatar
2. Application Avatar
2. Eligibility List AvatarAvatar
5.00 pm
04.10.2024 Advertisement for Recruitment to Various Project Posts (on Contract basis) for an ICMR funded Project: Strategies for Enhanced Population Engagement and Health Care Seeking for Prevention and Control of Hypertension and Diabetes in India: The STEPS- INDIA Multi-Centre Study. 1. Detailed Advt Avatar
2. Google Form Avatar
3. Result Avatar
5.00 pm
06.09.2024 Advertisement for the post of Junior Resident (Non Academic) at AIIMS Madurai.
No. AIIMS-MDU/ADMN/JR-SR-Recruitment/2024-25/003, Dated: 23.10.2024
1. Detailed Advt Avatar
2. Provisionally Selected Avatar
3. Wait listed Avatar
5.00 pm
06.09.2024 Advertisement for the post of Senior Residents.
No. AIIMS-MDU/ADMN/JR-SR-Recruitment/2024-25/003, Dated: 23.10.2024
1. Detailed Advt Avatar
2. Provisionally Selected Avatar
3. Wait listed Avatar
5.00 pm